Amida-Kaido-shuku was the next station after Shirano-shuku when traveling from Edo, and opened by turns (known as aishuku) every month with Shirano-shuku and Kuronoda-shuku, which were located on both sides. Amida-Kaido-shuku opened for seven days from the 16th to 22nd of the month. It was a relatively small shuku with one main lodging (honjin), one sub lodging (waki-honjin), and four inns (hatago).
Sasago-no-Chikara-Mochi, rice cakes made in Sasago and sold at tea houses along Sasago Pass, nourished travelers. Midoriya, located in the same area, still sells Sasago Mochi originating from the Sasago-no-Chikara-Mochi. Sasaichi Sake Brewery near Midoriya sells natural spring water from Sasago Pass, which was served to Emperor Meiji.


Let's go to the next spot!