Yachimata Monument is considered a Dosojin deity, or a traveler’s guardian deity. It stands along Bomichi Road, erected at around the same time as the Stone Buddhist Images along the same road.
On the front, it is inscribed with the characters for “heaven” and “Yachimata.” On the side, it is inscribed with text which shows that the local people believed Bomichi Road was ordered to be built by the Takeda Clan for military purposes.
Yachimata is a god that wards off enemies and evil spirits at road junctions and village borders. It is said to have emerged from Hakama pants that Izanagi threw off to purify himself after returning from the Land of the Dead. There is a theory that says Yachimata is the same deity as Sarutahiko, Yachimatahiko and Yachimatahime.


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