Minobusan (Mount Minobu) Homotsukan (Minobusan Kuon-ji Temple Treasure Museum)

This Treasure Museum is in the basement of the main hall of Kuon-ji Temple. It stores and exhibits treasures and precious historical materials owned by the temple. The entire collection of treasures and historical materials are called “Minobu Bunko (Minobu Library),” and exhibited on special occasions. The exhibits include a portrait of Nichiren (the founder of Nichiren Sect of Buddhism) “Hagiri/Hakiri no Miei (Portrait of Nichiren Shonin Ordered by Hagiri/Hakiri Sanenaga” painted by Fujiwara no Chikayasu in 1281, handwritten documents since Niko Shonin (2nd head priest of Kuon-ji Temple), the national treasure “Kakei Sansuizu (Summer Landscape Painting),” the important cultural property “Sohan Raiki Seigi (Sung Dynasty Version Right Meaning of the Ritual Records),” “Honcho Monzui (Japanese book of Chinese prose and poetry),” “Shaka Hassozu (Paintings of Buddha in Eight Stages),” the Yamanashi Prefecture Cultural Property “Shubutsu Juroku Rakanzu (Paintings of Buddha’s 16 Disciples),” and “Minpan Hokekyo (Ming Dynasty Version Lotus Sutra)” donated by Takeda Shingen. Because Kuon-ji Temple is the head temple of the Nichiren Sect, it has many treasures dedicated by Buddhist priests and followers. The temple holds special exhibits each year as well as its regular exhibitions. Visitors can also try their hand at Sutra copying.


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