The So-mon main gate faces national road No.52. It is the entrance to the sacred area of Mount Minobu. A tower with an inscription of nam-myoho-renge-kyo stands near the gate as the enclosure to separate the spiritual realm of Buddhahood and the ordinary world. The main gate stands at the site where Nichiren Shonin entered Mount Minobu and was welcomed by Nambu Sanenaga. Passing through the gate, visitors see the Oshima Remains where Nichiren Shonin sat to rest. This gate was donated by the mother (Juoinden Myoso Nikkaku Daishi) of Miura Yasuji, the Governor of the Shima Region and the lord of Kariya Castle, in 1665. This is why the gateposts have the crest of the Miura Clan (three bars in a circle). The three characters, kai-e-kan, on the board hanging under the roof of the gate were written by Niccho Shonin, the 36th head priest of Kuon-ji Temple. Kai-e means that everyone becomes a Buddha with the Lotus Sutra.


Where to next?

Visiting Mount Shichimen, the sites where Buddhism is practiced to feel power of nature and prayers

This route starts from the Hagoromo Shiraito Falls, where Oman-no-kata (a concubine of Tokugawa Ieyasu) purified herself, passes each temple along the main approach, visits Shichimenzan Keishin-in Temple, and continues to Shichimenzan Oku-no-in Temple and Jinzu-bo Temple at Sumise along the northern approach. This is a hiking path, which requires certain clothing and equipment. The walkway to the temples and shrines is in the mountains almost at the tree line, and so offers superb views, including Mount Kitadake and the Southern Alps from spots along the way. The view of the sunrise from Goraigo-ba, and Mount Fuji seen from the Oku-no-in Temple are magnificent. Visitors see morning religious services held at Keishin-in Temple and walk down the mountain along the northern approach through a bright forest protected by the gods.
About 12 km / About 10 Hours / On foot(Hiking)、ropeway

See detail
