The nine villages in the area that is now Hokuto City were previously called Atsuna no Shou (Atsuna Estate), and Atsuna-jinja Shrine was said to be the main shrine of the area. Today, it is worshipped as the guardian shrine of the three former Murayama villages, and an annual Spring Festival is held on April 29 every year.
Since the Edo Period (1603–1868), a traditional song and dance performance called Daitai Kagura has been offered at this venerable shrine, to which Takeda Shingen and Tokugawa Ieyasu have also donated land. Daitai Kagura has been designated an Intangible Folk Cultural Property of Hokuto City.
The massive old cherry tree that stands on the eastern side of the shrine precincts is an Edo Higanzakura (Uba Higanzakura), a rare variety that has been confirmed among the many types of cherry trees. It is designated a Natural Monument of Hokuto City.


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