Takeda Hachimangu Shrine

Takeda Hachimangu Shrine enshrines the patron deity of the Kai Takeda Clan. The main sanctuary, displaying the Sankensha Nagare-zukuri style of construction and a roof thatched with cypress bark shingles, was rebuilt by Takeda Shingen in 1541. It is a nationally designated Important Cultural Property. The wooden components of the building are impressively large as a whole, and the decorative design elements are characteristic of the Muromachi Period (1336–1573). Together they speak of the powerful rise of the Takeda Clan.
The shrine has a long history. It was built in 822 when the deity of Kyushu Usa Hachiman was divided and enshrined together with the local god Takeda no Kimi under the orders of Emperor Saga.
In 1140, Takeda Nobuyoshi entered adulthood at Takeda Hachimangu at the age of 13 and changed his name from Minamoto no Nobuyoshi to Takeda Taro Nobuyoshi. This event is said to be the beginning of the Kai Takeda Clan.


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